Pinoy gay movies and tv series

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One day, Rhennan witnesses Nilo accidentally killing Pia after a heated argument. Pia becomes resentful of the responsibility of taking care of his husband and her drifter younger brother Rhennan.

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Their lives take an unfortunate turn when Nilo loses his badge to a frame-up and is forced to depend on Pia.

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Nilo Vergara is a policeman who lives an ordinary life with his wife, Pia Jacinto. Gagatai has handpicked 5 of the best Filipino gay films available on GagaOOLala for you. Here's to well-built bodies, charming characters, compelling stories, and spicy sex scenes.īrothers in Law |Brothers in Law | Love is beyond the moral bou l3R^6v)x!z4JyhuMOq#8W_Om5_CJ1Ahb2I_nmhI$AtdOBx!3tqndaries Unlike their sweet BL counterparts and plot-twisting Japanese or Korean films, these films manage to integrate hearting-warming storylines with alluring sex scenes. Filipino gay films are paving their way, through compelling (and often steamy) storytelling, into the mainstream market.

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